I have had the same 3 leather belts for years and while my wife had been trying to get me to pick up something new for years I just didn’t see the need. Per the usual I was proven sorely wrong on our family trip to Costa Rica this summer where my 1 1/2” wide leather belt was NOT the right choice for a tropical adventure. After our first major hike, my trusty leather belt felt like a wet python wrapped around my waist.
When I got home the first thing I went looking for was a good nylon belt. I’ve tried a few of the “performance” nylon belts and hated them all. I came across Arcade belts after seeing a few of their ads and they were nice enough to send me their new Ranger model. This amazing stretchy belt has become my absolute favorite accessory. Arcade managed to hit the sweet spot between performance stretch, solid design, and good looks.
I wore the Ranger practically every day this summer, even on those rare days when I needed to put on adult clothes for a meeting it looked clean enough to go with my favorite Under Armor pants. The Arcade looks great with jeans, shorts, and the new breed of stretch travel pants.
Since this is a travel site I wanted to wait until I had a few long flights under my belt (see what I just did there…) to give my final verdict. This week I was in San Diego for a 4-day conference and I have to say that without a doubt this is my new go-to accessory. I love how the Ranger fits because the fantastic low profile buckle is infinitely adjustable It fits no matter the type of pants I’ve tried it with.
The bottom line: I plan to buy at least 2 more Arcade belts they have a TON of fun patterns
You should check them out at https://arcadebelts.com/