Photo credit, Innate
Frequent travelers will find Innate Caravan packing compartments to be a convenient way to store smaller items within their luggage that makes them easier to find and organize.
I admit, my packing style leaves much to be desired. It certainly looks pretty when organized before I board the plane, but after a bit of jostling from eager baggage handlers, it can be a wreck.
Surely, it is my fault since I place clothing atop each other with charging cables intertwined.
Luckily, I keep my shoes stored separately in zippered bags to keep them from dirtying my clothes, but these packing compartments provide a ray of hope.
Shirts can go in one zippered compartment, shorts and pants in another. Dirty laundry can be separated in one while clean, fresh-smelling clothes can stay tucked away.
Like other packing cubes, these come in several sizes. What sets them apart is the fact that they are weatherproof so even if water (rain) seeps through my suitcase’s exterior, clothes are protected.
Another popular use for these compartments is for those that like to work out often. They (not me) can store their workout gear in special compartments without intermingling with other garments.
A favorite tip of frequent travelers is to pack a dryer sheet in luggage to freshen up clothes, but these packing pouches provide yet another layer of security.
They come in a variety of sizes from small to large, and their prices vary accordingly. This is a great gift for frequent travelers. They retail for between $27 and $46 depending upon the size on the Innate website or on Amazon.